“The Sierra De Atapuerca Site”
Sierra de Atapuerca a well-known archaeological site is basically a Cave which is home to a significant fossil record of the human beings that once existed in Europe. The Cave has a credible data reserve which has contributed towards the discovery of lot of important facts related to the way of life and appearance of these distant human ancestors.
The General Facts And Information
“General Facts And Information”
The Caves of Atapuerca lie in the metropolitan of Burgos. The cave covers an area of 284.119 ha which is rich with a lot of information pertaining to the earliest human beings. When we say earliest human beings then we actually mean the human beings that lived on this earth around one million years ago.
The site provides you authentic information about the evolution and origin of the cultures that are no more and also about the existing civilization. The Cave actually constitutes a wonderful specimen of human occupation because of the geographical location and special ecosystems. The fossils that have been found here actually tell us about the way of life and physical nature of the human beings that once existed here. The engraved and painted panels that have been found here have been recorded via human scenes, zoomorphic figures, hunting scenes and geometrical motifs.
The items that have been found from the cave reveal us that the humans that live here existed during the periods of civilizations like Cueva Mayor, Trinchera Del Ferrocarril and Cueva del Silo. Archaeological sites from other periods of human history have also been found here. When we say other periods then we are actually referring to Iron Age, Neolithic and Bronze Age.
The Authenticity Of Sierra De Atapuerca
“Authenticity Of Sierra De Atapuerca”
The caves that exist in the property are home to a deep strata equipped with paleontological and archaeological material of serious scientific significance. The materials have not been touched since the prehistoric times until they were excavated recently. The point is that the site’s authenticity is unquestionable.
The Final Word
“The Final Word”
The archaeological sites are always worthy of a visit and places like Sierra De Atapuerca simply cannot be ignored at all. Thanks to the internet, you can learn more about this wonderful archaeological site from different authentic internet websites and forums that are available nowadays. If you have the means than it is highly recommended that you should visit this place as well.
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